Section: Dissemination
Animation of the scientific community
Gwenaël Delaval was co-organizer of the international workshop SYNCHRON'11 (international open workshop on Synchronous Programming).
P. Fradet served in the external review committee of PLDI'2011 (ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation). He was examiner for the PhD of Julien Tesson (University of Orléans).
Alain Girault served in the programme committees of the international conferences DATE'2011, DAC'2011, MEMOCODE'2011, LAFT'2011, MSR'2011, and APSIPA-ASC'2011. He was referee for the PhD of Alexandru Drobila (University of Besançon) and Mohamed Fellahi (University of Paris Sud), and examiner for the PhD of Fanny Duffossé (ENS Lyon).
Gregor Goessler served in the programme committees of the international conference DATE'2012 and of the international workshops FOCLASA'2011 and LAFT'2011.
Bertrand Jeannet served in the programme committee of the international conference DATE'2012. He was examiner for the PhD of Assalé Adjé (Ecole Polytechnique) and of Khalil Gorbhal (Ecole Polytechnique).